Yoona reveals that she likes the older man better than the younger
one as her date in the relationship.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Girls' Generation will definitely have a comeback on 2014
Although, the official concept haven't been decided. OSEN had directly communicate to SM Entertainment and neglected all the rumours of their comeback manly concept.
Girls' Generation's Yuri turned 25
Girls' Generation members posted photos of them celebrating Yuri's birthday, which had raised attentions from the netizens.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Yoona Denied Recent Dating Rumours
With an opportunity in joining Happy Together and press conference of the drama 'Prime Minister & I', Yoona denied officially about the dating rumours and expressing her thoughts.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Seohyun on The Released of 'The Moon Embracing the Sun' Official Poster
The musical 'The Moon Embracing the Sun' is a remake of a hit drama with the similar title name. It just recently released its official posters of its cast members for the 2014.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Girls' Generation Caused Chaotics at a Game Festival of Tencent
On the pass 30th November, Girls' Generation attended a game festival and transformed in the roles of 'Blade & Soul' in a festival formation of te Tencent Games Carnival 2013 (short term is TCG 2013) be held 3 days continously from 29/11 to 1/12 in Shanghai.
Lee Bum Soo proposed Yoona in 'Prime Minister & I'
On 3rd December, the producer team of 'Prime Minister & I' had revealed publicly the second trailer, containing comedy details, as well as romantic of the couple Lee Bum Soo and Yoona.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
All About Girls' Generation: Paradise in Phuket review
This short review will be split into two sections. The first about the contents included in the package and the second being the technical criticisms of the DVDs themselves.
S.M. Entertainment have finally come out with their second Girls' Generation photobook which includes 44 pages of our girls in beautiful scenery (Phuket, Thailand....anyone wondering how it's pronounced: 'Pu-ket' not 'fuck it'). But not only did they provide us with a beautiful book, but 715 minutes of footage of the girls spread out between 6 discs. These discs include, a variety show that they filmed during their stay on the Island, each individuals 'free time' with the camera, all their music videos, the making of their music videos, back stage footage before their live performances, interviews and footage of their best live performances. It has to be said- while you're watching through those 6 discs, you cannot help but smile and at some points feel a bit teary for the girls as they show how much they've been through and what they had to do to get to this point in time. Anyone who watches these DVDs will immediately fall in love with their charms- it's a known fact that Girls' Generation are one of the most lovable girl groups out there. The DVD gives enough screen time for each of the members to show off their personalities and make you fall in love or if you've just become a fan, this 6 disc set will leave you begging for more!
''I GOT A BOY'' Music Video Review
It’s been 14 months since Girls' Generation have been missing from the Korean music scene, busily promoting overseas. Of course I haven’t missed them as I've been following their journey to world domination! Our 9 angles are back and they've hit it hard with a very different and unusual song. It received mixed responses with some listeners saying that ''It's all over the place'' and has ''So many genres in one song that doesn't make a pleasant listening experience.'' Other reactions were positive saying '' It's unique'' and ''It's about time the K-Pop industry changed their style; this is something very fresh''.
When I first watched the music video, the first thing I noticed was that I was in it:
![I always thought one day I'd become a music video director for Girls' Generation. Not the bloody actor. I always thought one day I'd become a music video director for Girls' Generation. Not the bloody actor.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/3865_10151229249064440_759089912_n.jpg)
I always thought one day I'd become a music video director for Girls' Generation. Not the bloody actor.
The second thing I noticed was how stylishly dressed each of the members were (as always). They were so different from their previous concepts and really showed a more unexplored side to Girls' Generation. Might I add, Yuri in particular looked like a BOSS:
![Should women really be this cool? Should women really be this cool?](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/406748_10151229614089440_768169350_n.jpg)
Should women really be this cool?
Monday, December 2, 2013
Girls' Generation "Leaked" Part of Their New Single
Gossip Girls Preview Flyers Preview
On 1st December, on a radio channel of Japan FM Ciao! had attracted a certain number of listeners when they were introducing 3rd Japan album 'Love & Peace' of girlgroups from Korea - Girls' Generation, as well as leaking a part of 'Gossip Girls'.
Sooyoung will be the only MC for '2013 Women Film Festival'
On 2nd December, the official organizers of the '2013 Women Film Festival' recently just announced publicly, stating that Girls' Generation's Sooyoung will be the only host for the '2013 Women Film Festival.'
Lee Bum Soo - Yoona: From Far Apart to Companionable
On the revealed poster, two photos from suddenly went against each other to very intimate, which makes the situations in the drama even more interesting.
Hear the full version of 'Find Your Soul' by Girls' Generation
Earlier today, the official video of the girls' performance at TGC was uploaded via youtube along with the official theme song of Blade & Soul.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Meet The 'Nerd Scripter' Yoona at the 'Prime Minister & I' Set
Today, 1st December, members of the producer team of 'Prime Minister & I' revealed various set photos of Yoona that the paparazzi took.
Girls' Generation Announced Their 'GIRLS' GENERATION JAPAN 3rd TOUR 2014'
Details of album and national arena tour 'GIRLS' GENERATION JAPAN 3rd TOUR 2014' and new album of Girls' Generation 'LOVE&PEACE'
Girls' Generation's Jessica Posed a 'Graceful Pose'
Girls' Generation's Jessica attended at 1pm, Seodaemun gu, Seoul Sinchon Hyundai Department of Changcheondong for a fan signing event be held by STONHENgE.