Lee Seung Gi(26) is a perfect man. Who owned a neat appearance with a characteristic of a flawless man, who received lot of loves. 'Girls' Generation' Yoona(23·real name is Im Yoona) is a perfect woman. Who owned a stunning look, attractive and a bright personality.
A perfect entertainment industry representatives, a perfect couple was born. Lee Seung Gi and Yoona become the first couple in 2014. The two started to date last year September for about 4 months and tenderly gained their relationship.
It was similar to a cinderella date. The two are neighborhood. With a limit time until 1:00 am. Never exceed 1:00 am no matter what. Also, the two are very busy. The meeting will be proceeded in the following day, with a comfortable atmosphere.
'Picking up' always controlled by Lee Seung Gi. Lee Seung Gi always pick Yoona up at the apartment parking lot. After the date, they immediately went home. No matter how tired, Yoona always spent her time for the date.
Their dating is 100% in the car. Yoona lived near the alley which also their dating place. Sometimes the two enjoyed nearby the Han river in the breeze. An they alternated by deciding to date nearby Namsan Mountain. Cross the river, they got out of the car.
They must met each other after their international schedule. On 8th October, Lee Seung Gi returned
after his Japan concert , and Yoona returned after her concert in Singapore on the 13th, and immediately headed to their appointment. Lee Seung Gi picked up Yoona, and spent their time in his car.
This is possible that the two are dating due to the fact they are neighborhoods. Lee Seung Gi's apartment is just 500m away from Yoona's apartment. Using car as transportation would only take about a minute. With a short period of time to transport, dating in the car is simple.
Source: Dispatch
Translation: totoropie @TheSoneSource
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